Monday, March 31, 2014

Stomp The Monday Blues

It's Monday again.

That inevitable day that rolls around every single week. Somehow though, every Sunday night I find myself suddenly realizing that I have a full week ahead of me, and somehow, I feel totally unprepared every Monday morning.

Whether I wake up on time, 10 minutes early, or 10 minutes late, I feel like I'm always scrambling. I skimp or cut my morning routine in half, jump in the shower, and run out the door. Days like today, I somehow managed to make it out the door with a bowl of oatmeal, but I had no clean water bottles, my banana is still half green, I had no lunch planned ahead, and my smoothie blender cup was sitting dirty in the dishwasher. Plus I forgot to lint roll so I'm covered in pet hair.Good grief, get it together Katie!

Ugh, no more of this Monday madness! From now on I swear I'm going to prepare better on Sunday night and ensure that I have a good Monday and a good start to my week.

How am I going to do this, you ask? Here's my game plan:

~Prep my fruits & veggies for the week: this means both for snacks as well as for smoothies. Wash everything in a vinegar soak, and peel and cut what will keep.

~Make sure my water bottles & smoothie cups are clean and ready to rock n roll. I'll fill a few water bottles and keep them in the fridge so they're ready to grab & go. This also makes it that much more convenient to grab a water instead of turning to a soda or coffee later at the office.

~Make healthy snacks. Whether it's healthy breakfast muffins, hard boiled eggs, or cookies, etc.

~Menu plan. This one is huge. Plus it's one that I've managed to stick to almost every single week for a while now. Since I do my grocery shopping on the weekend, because let's face it, it's madness there during the week after work, I'll sit down and plan my dinner menu for the week ahead and shop accordingly. Not only does this enable me to get all of my necessary ingredients so I'm not running to the store 2-3 times per week, but it also allows me to take meat out of the freezer to prepare ahead of time, and lets me take advantage of weekly store sales by basing my menu on what's on hand and what's on sale.

~Prep for your morning routine: Don't have a morning routine? Start one! It seems impossible to think about getting up a second earlier than necessary, but if I can do it, anyone can. Try getting up a few minutes early and try oil pulling, drink a warm cup of lemon water, and/or chug a big glass of water. To ensure that you do this, and have time for it, wash your lemon the night before, and set it out next to your coffee mug, a knife, and citrus press. Get your coconut oil out too so you can do that first thing. By forcing myself to see that stuff right away when I get up, I feel obligated to do it since there's no excuse.

~It may sound miniscule, but get your things together for the morning. Starting Monday off right can totally help the rest of your week to go by smoothly, plus it will inspire you to eat right, keep on track, and be more productive. So set out your towel and hang your bathrobe in the bathroom, pick out what you're going to wear, get your shoes ready, make sure your keys are somewhere, charge your cell, etc.

~The last two things that as of late, I just started believing, are to
                       -Eat your breakfast! Not eating within an hour or so of waking actually sends your body into starvation mode, which means it's going to hold onto your excess fat cells with all it's might. Eew. Also, it gives you energy to power through your day, and curbs that hankering for a doughnut from the break room.
                      -Get enough shut eye! Seriously, I know sometimes it's easy to roll your eyes at that one or think yeah, who has time for that? But sleep is so, so very critical to our bodies and when you don't have enough sleep, it's literally like a domino effect on your body, and tends to lead you away from your daily exercise routine and towards sugar or extra carbs. Save yourself the drama and just go to bed on time!

So, even thought we're a day late at this point, who else is with me to pull a mulligan tonight and prep myself for the week?! I know what I'll be doing tonight....and I know I'll have a better day tomorrow because of it!

That's all for now...

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