Thursday, April 3, 2014

Your New Morning Smoothie

Here's a great new smoothie recipe from MindBodyGreen with a little caffeine for a healthy morning boost.

Your usual morning jo or frozen whatchyamacallit from Starbucks not only costs you hundreds of dollars per year, but it's also loaded with sugar, caramel coloring, artificial flavors, and GMO's. And did you know that most coffee is treated with pesticides, unless it's organic?

Now I know some of you MUST. Have. Coffee. On a daily basis. Hey, I'm not saying to quit cold turkey, just entertain the idea of switching to organic coffee and save yourself from unnecessary pesticide or chemical exposure.

Or, you could start enjoying a yummy, healthy, good for you, energizing smoothie each morning instead! Not only do they boost your energy and get your day started right, they're also extremely healthy and give you a jump start on your daily fruit & veggie intake.

Here's a fantastic looking recipe for a ginger mango chai smoothie...yes, it has chai tea with caffeine! See, all is not lost ;)

Ginger Mango Chai Smoothie (vegan)

1 cup frozen mango
1/2 cup freshly brewed chai tea
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1/2 frozen banana
1/4 cup coconut milk
1 tsp cinnamon

Blend and enjoy!

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