Recently I've been learning a little more about sunscreen, and sun protection in general. My mother has recently undergone her second round of "chemo cream" for "pre-cancerous" cells on her face. I couldn't help but wonder how in 3 years, her face had gotten so much worse during this round of treatment, and had so, so many more spots compared to last time. Especially since she's been so good about using sunscreen any and every time she's outside. Then the light bulb came on! Maybe the reason wasn't from the sun, maybe it was from something, or things she's putting ON her face. (I also believe it's caused internally as well, but that's another topic).
I had heard about sunscreen and the fact that all of the ingredients might not be safe here and there but hadn't put a whole lot of thought into it. I don't use it often myself, unless I know I'll be at the beach, or in direct sun for a long time. I prefer to absorb the Vitamin D and I don't burn easily, but I'll get to that later.
It wasn't until a recent post from The Food Babe for a deal on natural sunscreen that I really started to look into it and find out what the fuss was about. Then I was shocked. I could not, and still can't, wrap my head around the fact that this stuff can contain so much garbage! And to think that a lot of doctors, especially derms, push this stuff to no end! My mom's derm told her to wear sunscreen every day. EVERY DAY! So since her first treatment, which was pretty mild compared to this last one, she's been very diligent about applying and re-applying her sunscreen whenever we're outside, camping, strolling through the flea market, or gardening. No wonder. No wonder the skin cancer came back, and no wonder it was SO, so much worse than last time. And what's the number 1 factor that had changed.....
Up until the first time, sure she wore sunscreen here and there, but she wasn't slathering it on and re-applying like crazy. But this time, she was. Sure there's no guarantees or way of knowing that yes, 100% the nasty sunscreen caused her skin problems, but it was more than enough to scare me away from it and want to share it with everyone I know! Who wants to take that risk?
And it honestly pisses me off to no end that the manufacturers can actually put those chemicals into products like this that we use on a regular or daily basis. Over the years the sun has been given such a bad wrap, so doctors and derms are pushing to always use sunscreen or else, so moms are loading it onto their kids, fair skinned people are using even more, and that skin cancer or "pre-cancer" patients are using more and more of it, thinking they're doing good by protecting themselves from the sun.
The Food Babe has an excellent investigative report here where she discusses the ingredients of most conventional sunscreens, and why they are potentially dangerous to us. Skin cancer, toxins in the organs, hormone disruption, allergies, and more. It only takes less than 30 seconds for what you put on your skin to be absorbed into your system. 30 seconds. I have never been more conscious of what I'm putting on my body, as well as into my body, as I am now. On a daily basis, just in a normal routine, there's shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, lotion, perfumes/sprays, hand lotion, chapstick, makeup, and even more. All of those things could very possibly contain harmful ingredients.
Now when it comes to sunscreen, there are options. There are several safe brands of sunscreen that have been tested and approved by the Environmental Working Group (see their Sunscreen Guide to check on your brand, or find a new brand to use). They're not as expensive as I thought they would be either. There's even a brand that's available at my local Walgreens for less than $9 per bottle, which is the Yes To brand. Local and cheap? That's my kind of safe sunscreen.
Check out the EWG's site and change your sunscreen today, for a healthier tomorrow.
Thanks all for now,
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