Alright, so a few weeks back I had shared some homemade DIY recipes with you for making things like dishwasher tabs, all purpose orange cleaner, and wool dryer balls.
I must say that I LOVE the dryer balls and can notice that they really do cut down on drying time.
Same with the orange cleaner, love that stuff too!
The dishwasher tabs however, not so much. Ugh. It all seemed like a great idea, and they were super easy to make. I had good intentions, alright? But man did I miss my sparkling, perfectly clean dishes! The homemade tabs lasted all of two or three weeks and then I caved and bought the old faithfuls.
The homemade tabs just left this horrible white residue all over everything! I couldn't handle it. We do have hard water, but I tried everything every blog every suggested without success. I tried adding a few drops of Dawn to the tab, I tried putting a cup of vinegar on the top shelf as a rinse aid, I tried it all. Not matter what my dishes just looked awful. Yes, I'm being over dramatic but I'm one that just loves pulling out that glass, holding it up to the light, and seeing clear, sparkly perfection. Ahh. Ok maybe not that extreme, but close.
I was seriously annoyed. The plates had a residue on the back, the silverware handles looked like crap, the glasses were cloudy, and even the Tupperware felt chalky. Some of the stuff I even had to hand wash in order to get it all off and looking normal again.
Once I switched back to my regular tabs, everything was coming out perfect again. Sure, it's probably full of nasty chemicals and I'm definitely going to keep my eye open for a better version now.
But I feel there are some things you just can't give up. Me, I cannot give up clean dishes. Nope. For you it might be your laundry not having that amazing smell from your detergent or not getting the same effects from a cleaning product. You don't have to give them up all together. Just look for a better version, or cut back or change how you're using it.
Long story short, I know my homemade dishwasher tabs were probably 500 times safer than what I'm addicted to, but it's just not worth the compromise to me right now. But like I said, I'm definitely going to shop for other options now and it won't keep me from trying other recipes either.
So don't beat yourself up, you tried, you ARE trying, and you're taking other steps to improve your house, health, and living left and right. Did I just make that into a pep talk for myself? Wow, I feel so much better now. Dang, I'm good!
That's it for now,
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