Monday, February 10, 2014

Make Your Own Dusting Cloths

Do you have pets or children? If so, then you'll love these homemade lemon dusting cloths!

Ever think about what kind of nasty chemicals are in your cleaning supplies? What about that can of wood cleaner? We spray down the wood furniture with good intentions of a clean house. Meanwhile we're breathing in these fumes, and so are any kids or pets in the house. A little later, your kiddo is eating a snack, drops a piece on the table, then picks it back up and eats it. Or your dog decides to help you clean and licks a spot off the table (my dogs LOVE helping me clean!). How many chemicals have they just consumed?

These quick and easy lemon cloths are the perfect alternative to harsh chemicals and questionable residue left over on your furniture.

Here's the simple DIY on how you can make your own to keep on hand:

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